A piece of brief information about yourself. (Names of authors, Works, Education, affiliation and brief summary)
Grace Simpson is a confident and enthusiastic lecturer, with the Computer Science Department, Faculty of Computing and Information Systems, at the Ghana Technology University College (GTUC), where she lectures and mentors’ undergraduates’ students, prior to that she worked in the software development industry to design and develop software’s tailored for organizational needs. Grace Simpson’s research areas are in cybersecurity, cloud computing, machine learning, and artificial neural networks. Grace Simpson is a researcher with the CRITAC (Center for Research, Information, Technology, and Advanced Computing) cybersecurity unit, she is part of the organizing committee for international conferences including 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security and Internet of Things, 2019 International Conference on Computer, Data Science and Applications, 2019 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing and Networks, and 2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Adaptive Science and Technology. As part of her academic duties, she supervises undergraduate final year projects and has done a couple of peer reviews for journals.
How well does the study design addresses a problem in the community?
Patients healthcare data should be securely available and accessible to authorized users when needed to facilitate healthcare professionals to make a decision regarding patients. The proposed framework validates centralized data for distributed healthcare systems in a dew-fog computing environment using tiger hash function to provide integrity to patient data, allowing for the use of a secure patient healthcare data from multiple health centers in a given community/locality.
How is this paper going to help you in your future academic works/findings?
This paper gave way for further research in a similar domain by the use of blockchain.
What are your future expectations with this research work?
Hopefully, it will help improve the healthcare sector in terms of access to data and reengineering of emergency situations involving data accessibility.