CRITAC NEWS : Research : A brief Interview with Mr. Bismark Tei Asare on his published paper; Secure Data Exchange Between nodes in IOT using TwoFish and DHE
A brief Interview with Mr. Bismark Tei Asare on his published paper; Secure Data Exchange Between nodes in IOT using TwoFish and DHE
A piece of brief information about yourself. (Names of authors, Works, Education, affiliation and brief summary
An academic, Content developer, Instructional technologist and a Computer Science researcher at Ghana Technology University College, Accra. Prior to joining the Computer Science department of the University, I was instrumental in setting up the ICT department of Achimota Senior High School where I played the acting Head of the department. I am a Publons certified Scientific reviewer with years of experience in reviewing scientific works for journals and conferences. A researcher at the LabSTICC, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France. Additionally, a researcher at the Directorate of Information Assurance and Intelligence Research, Cyber Security division of CRITAC. I have supervised several undergraduate final year projects works. My research interests area includes Cyber Security, IoT, Cryptography, and Blockchain.
How well does the study design addresses a problem in the community
In the paper, a hybrid cryptographic based approach was adopted and successfully implemented that guaranteed secure data communication in an unsecured channel like the internet particularly for resource-constrained devices in the internet-of-things networks. The paper, therefore, provided yet an innovative way of introducing security protocols in networks where the majority of the devices are resource-constrained.
How is this paper going to help you in your future academic works/findings?
The paper provided the needed reference point for related projects where considerations for an efficient yet resource-light cryptographic scheme must be used for augmenting other types of cryptographic ciphers in securing data communications in wireless sensor networks.
What are your future expectations with this research work?
Collaboration with industry practitioners in the hardware and software solution providers sectors for full implementation into existing systems.